Introduction to Digital Marketing

 Digital Marketing is the concept of doing marketing activities on the Internet. This is a kind of study where the student learns about building strategies to reach the customers who are actually seeking the service or product. Those customers are called the target audience.

You can only call yourself a successful digital marketing expert if you can reach the right audience for any business and can return a high profit on investment.

Who controls the internet today?

Today the internet means Google and Facebook. We do Google searches when we look for any information on the internet. We use Google Map to reach any unknown places. We also use youtube and android phones. There is no way to imagine our life without Google today. We also use Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp which is owned by Facebook (now Meta).

Billions of people use the internet today and they use those platforms for free of cost. People consume content every day. Content is the gold mine of the internet. The content creators create content in the form of text, images and videos. Through this, the creators make money from these platforms. The interesting thing is Google or Facebook doesn't pay the money to the content creators. People who do digital marketing on these platforms for their business pay the money to the platform owners. And the platform owners pay a revenue share to the content creators.

Digital Marketing Study

We do a lot of activities on the internet every day. All our activities can be tracked and stored as information. This way our interests and behaviour are measured. This is a very important part of internet, measuring people's activities, behaviour and interests.

This is very complex data when we are measuring people's behaviour. That is why this is also a part of the study. The study of understanding people's behaviour, interest and buying decisions and how people interact with the world's top free platforms is called digital marketing.

A digital marketer should know how the search engine algorithms are working, how people are searching for any solution online and how people are taking any buying decisions online.

How long it may take to become a successful Digital Marker?

It depends from person to person. This is the topic of research. It is not something you can achieve overnight. There are a lot of things that should be considered. But one thing I can say, this is the study of the future. One day the traditional marketing executives will have no requirements in companies. This is the right time to upgrade.


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